A request

Created by Dawn 5 years ago

When visiting Aunty Kay, just before Good Friday, she asked me to make her a bag for her holiday in June. She was very specific about what she wanted. A big bag with a waterproof  lining, so she could carry her drink in it and it wouldnt ruin the bag if it spilt. And it must have a red rose and a big letter K on it.

Since our chat I have cut out the bag ready to sew into her perfect holiday bag, her rose bag. I will finish Aunty Kay's bag and it will go with her next week. 

Today I thought of all the things I would like to say to her. I will write them on a note and place it in the bag to go with her.

Please get in contact if you would like to put your own message in the bag. 

Love you Aunty Kay

